Wednesday, July 04, 2007

The maternal unit was at my house when I got home last night, so I actually just sat around and relaxed. Today on the other hand, due to her presence, I was up and adam earlier than I would have liked for a day off. Not much was accomplished early in the day but we then headed off to snag some fam at the Latrobe airport, got home in time to grub dinner, fight with the niece and nephew a little, and watch my sis try to trash my living room. It was amusing to watch the fervor (comparing only to Davey T tackling Beff's living room ceiling).

They headed out by 7ish leaving me on my own and inspired so I started moving more things from the living room. A few short hours later and here I am tired and prepared to be sore tomorrow. The living room is truly looking bare now. If only I can figure out where to move the last few (read: large) items to allow myself the freedom to really work. If nothing else I'm sure I moved just enough to hide things from myself and to not be able to find a thing I need for the next few weeks - I can call that success for a single day off. The more crap I move the more I realize I need to get rid of some things and reduce the clutter. Anyone up for a huge yard sale?

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