Sunday, January 07, 2007

Yesterday I grubbed chinese and received quite the compliment while there. When I first entered only one other table was occupied. As I looked up from my book at one point, the individual at this table said "excuse me" and asked if I attended
UPJ. Considering I've been out for ten years now I was a bit boggled and replied "yes, but it's been quite a while". Turns out he is a prof in the Finance/Accounting venue. Further, he even recalled I was a computer science student without any guidance on my part - he remembered me working in the labs. Now THAT is a memory. I can't remember what I wore to work on Friday or a person's name five minutes after they introduce themselves to me.

Today I tried to get a few things done but allowed myself to be easily distracted - I think it was meant to be since the Slipster broke my new phone's cherry and then Beff called within five minutes. I figured out the musical aspects of the new phone creating my own little ring tone in sound forge and dropping it on the phone and got my numbers moved over yesterday. I'm loving this phone so far.

I did cook dinner here this evening and I have to tell you of yet another love - the knives that came with my bitchin "ex" knife set are probably the best knives I've ever owned. They sliced through raw chicken like pushing through room temperature butter.

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