Thursday, June 15, 2006

Saturday... SATURDAY! I was a wee bit displeased last night, but the Canes have two more shots at it if they need it. I am starting to think that me missing the start of a game is a hex. Yes, I'm superstitious. I was a wee bit late because we bumped our wallyball game to Wednesday since several of us had another meeting for Thursday.

Today I managed to crank out my due by COB Fri efforts before heading out for the day. Then I had to swing across town for the first AITP meeting.

Vixen is rather displeased with me for being gone so much this week, but she did a good job upstairs by her lonesome last night and tonight for periods of time longer than she typically does. I can't tell you how good of a girl she is. She's become a better dog as an "only child", which while it saddens me in a way, I'm also thrilled she's adjusted so well. I guess I started to think more about this partly after meeting Alice the other night. Satin's toys finally made it upstairs to be put away, but the second crate and dog food bin remains. It just seems wrong for them to not be there still.

Who am I kidding? I still think some things should be as they were years ago, I guess I can't be shocked that I'm restraining from making changes a few months after she's been gone.

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