Thursday, February 23, 2006

Touché Richland Township. I am most likely now the enemy of my neighborhood for having hit the pavement and helped to pull together the petition which got the storm water drains started in my neighborhood. Why you may ask? Because now we, as home owners, are responsible for the cost of the curbing. Mind you, they make no mention of any range of cost. This should be terrifying. Is it a couple hundred or a couple grand? What amazes me is the owners before us were FORCED by the township to spend several thousands of dollars to redo things to prevent ground water from getting into the sewage system. Now, because of that rework I'm flooding. So their solution involves me spending even more money. Granted, had they not started work in the fall I would have looked to do a home equity loan to get something done to re-route the water, but I've since thought I need not plan for that. Word of advice: Don't buy a house unless you have to.

I at least managed to put that out of mind long enough to bust on my paper last evening. I'm making good progress and what isn't written has solid direction laid out at least. I woke up this morning quite disoriented trying to figure out for a solid 5 minutes if it was Thursday or Friday. Much to my dismay it's only Thursday, but at least I got paid. So to cheer myself up I headed to Sheetz for a cup of my French Vanilla. Can you believe I had to wait for the pot? Yes, I should have gotten my cup for free, but as rotten as I remember Sheetz customers to be during my two week stint working there I will never be like that, and I gladly paid for my coffee. It beats coming in here and making a pot, then proceeding to clean up after all of the people who can't turn and toss their sugar packets.

I probably sound salty this morning, not the case, just a bit hectic in my head. Last day of one project and time to get my mind ready for another. But somehow even that isn't enough to get the thoughts of stagnancy out of my head when I climb into bed at night wondering when something in the routine will change, if only just a little.

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