Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Crazy ass dog. So I basically have to pry Satin out of bed this morning, she likes that round bed in the corner a little too much. After she finally heads outside she proceeds to make snow puppies across the lawn. Watching her roll in the snow like a little kid definitely puts a smile on my face, I don't think my nine year old dog will ever act 110% old.

To further the scene the sky was a brilliant bright pink this morning when I first got up. While utterly beautiful I do heed the whole "pink sky in the morning" theory. Thusly, I will be swearing about additional snow before we know it.

Of all people, last night I got to sit and chat with Mithy for a while. It was nice to have an evening when I got to sit on the couch and not do anything. Dealing with an actual attempt to relax by having someone to talk to was very comforting. I will definitely be going insane during my weeks off and reporting that I've watched every DVD I own.

"Trust me. I'm not okay. I'm not okay. I'm not okay. I'm not o-f*ckin-kay. -My Chemical Romance"

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