Monday, November 21, 2005

I've read my friend Angela's blog and now I'm sitting at work in tears. I've always said I liked dogs more than people - I genuinely feel that way all too often. With that I just want to offer up my love to their family during a very difficult time. I can't fathom making a difficult decision like having one of my girls put to sleep, but I understand the potential pain that sweet Ripley may be in.

Allow me to share with the world the smiling face of this lovely lady, and a fond memory I have of when she was tiny and we babysat. I can easily say Ripley not only changed my opinion of Dobermans completely, but she also inspired us to get our second dog, Vixen. She and Vixen have a lot in common personality-wise, as they're both content to just put their heads on your knee for attention and they both love to eat their dinner with a fervor. Vixen is just a bit younger than Ripley and it breaks my heart to even consider the mortality of one of my girls.

Don't let the spiked collar she wore fool you (not in these photos), Ripley was a gentle spirit who was ALWAYS happy to see me. For that she will live on forever in my heart.

God bless Ripley... all of my love.

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