Sunday, November 13, 2005

I'm feeling vile today. I did get up for church, at least. Last night, we lost to Wheeling, today we lost to Wheeling again. I had a heck of a headache nagging at me today and took a bit of a nap falling asleep for part of the game instead of busting on my paper as originally planned. I'm starting to loose hope in this section of my paper, I just can't find the good research materials I need. Back to work tomorrow. A full week. Eep. Only a few nights left to gather what I need and finish this up.

I've been thinking most of the day too about people who have something to say but would never say it to your face. Throughout my life I've dealt with people who thought they were so above me that they wouldn't acknowledge my existence to even speak to me. Those are usually the people who tend to then end up with an opinion and the lack of cahones to come say something. On the other hand, the worse ones are the ones who instead think it's kosher to speak to your friends like somehow it makes them look sweet and nice whereas YOU'RE the bitch.

I did manage to get the jersey I was to bid on last night. Clearly my bidding surprised some people. I even got the casual glance up in hopes of a bid on another jersey mayhaps? I figured I'd leave your other half bid on that... where was she by the way? She left a bit prematurely, no? I would assume so since there was time to wander in the hall post auction. I guess someone thought I'd jump to chat. Sorry. I'm done doing that. You can't treat me well when the mood strikes you and treat me like crap the rest of the time and get away with it. The hall can seem pretty empty sometimes, doesn't it? A fan I remain, but not a foolish one that would expect to be treated kindly just because I'm a fan. That is, after all, what every fan SHOULD be able to expect.

I do retract any concerns I had about certain people reading this. I almost wish they would happen upon it. Sometimes we all need a wake up call. The deal is, and always will be, I blog what's on my mind. Thus, what I have to say is never "wrong" - feelings can't be wrong. If confronted by anyone on anything I say here I may be embarassed, but it's all true, and I'm not going to deny it. Don't you get tired having to censor what's in your mind every day of your life?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

censorship is how we make the magic happen

the cloak is how we hide the censors