Thursday, November 03, 2005

Good news at last. I guess the fortune cookie was right, I have a tenant come December 1st. Needless to say this puts a smile on my face and will let me relax a little more with regard to spending on our trip later this month. There will be no "pay the gas bill or have another drink while lounging on the deck of the cruise ship" decisions to be made.

I went to sleep a bit early again last evening after spending a few hours working on the touchups my paper needs. Seems like my exorbitant amount of sleep has paid off as my head is 90% clear at this point. Unfortunately, everything that drained down my throat has managed to give me a bit of a chest cold. To be expected I suppose, but I don't like sounding like my mother, a woman who has smoked for God knows how many years, when I get up in the morning. I must look healthier as I've been told several times this morning that I look good today. Ah the power of having the will to get up curl your hair and slather on some make-up. Maybe it's because I'm not dragging a foot behind me and grumbling as I meander through the halls.

I'm also starting to think eliminating allergy symptoms is something like an exorcism. My body sure looks like it survived some catastrophic event. I noticed this morning while getting dressed a big black bruise on the far right of my butt. It gets worse, there is a matching one that is a little lighter on the far left. I'm always riddled with bruises that I can't explain their origins. I guess they probably just show so brightly because of how pale I am. So much for finding a "rough" guy eh? I also have nice marks on my hands already from stuffing medication down the dog's throat last night, but that's a whole other issue. The power of puppy compels you!

There is some harsh word on the street of just in time for the holidays pink slip gift giving going about. I don't think I need to worry as I'm fully tasked, but it is not something I like to hear.

"I watch you from a distance to catch your eyes. How they occupied my mind. -4 Strings"

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