Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Yep. I'm sitting at work again. This time however, I'm here working on a paper for my class. I seem to be more productive here (at least at night) when I don't have the distractions of an easily accessible television or dogs demanding attention. I'm probably further along on this section of the paper than I normally would be at this point in an assignment, so I'm pleased. I do still expect to be working on things right until the very deadline, as I always do because I can't pry the document from my hands until I get a full comfort level.

How funny is it that I forgot I had posted all about the wedding AFTER the wedding and reposted information the next day. I did remember typing all kinds of stuff about it, but I think I had muddied up my actions and thought I typed all of that at Nailer_Fan. Poor Dave if he had to listen to me babble about all of that! I'll just blame it on drunkenness but I'm sure the tired factor as of late hasn't helped. At least my spelling WAS dead on while toasty.

Why is it that all reminds me of sitting in Dutch's room mudding and a drunken Hebish plopping down on my lap all astounded that I was still playing? I miss college. I had more money and free time than I ever have since.

Oh! And to prove that I'm still taking time to be a little human, I did get to go to B-Rad's happy hour. I guess I never did blog that he's bailing on the company. I did predict we were due for another exodus (Exit-us as EEK and I use to say *smile*). Quickly on his heels Phil D. resigned and is headed down to my old stomping grounds off of Meridian. I have since heard of another resignation. 7 more to make my count of 10 post-Septemberitis ripcord pulls. I so wish I could be one, but it's not my time. It's not like I have a direction to head in at this point anyhow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

B-Rad's leaving...me be sad :(