Tuesday, August 23, 2005

My bed whined a little when I got up this morning. Alright, it was probably me whining, but the two of us did not want to part. I love crawling into a big pile of blankets on a cold night with the windows flung open but I am fairly well against getting out of that nice warm bundle come morning.

The past two evenings I've been watching a special on September 11th on the National Geographic Channel. It's amazing how those scenes are still so moving and fresh. I can't imagine what it was like to have lost someone there. I remember how terrified I was while in NC to hear the first news reports of flight 93 landing "somewhere near Johnstown Pennsylvania" with a map showing that had Johnstown somewhere in the very middle of PA. Needless to say, the larger incidents dominated the news and what I wanted to hear about, where 93 REALLY went down was not a high priority for the news stations.

Either way, very good special. It really details how much information the US really had and didn't manage to corrolate in time. Everyone rags on the US saying how could they miss this, how did they not realize what was about to happen? Do you really think that all of the pieces in the puzzle were laying right beside one another without other "noise" floating around them that made it hard to put things together? Funny how the idiots slinging burgers and handing out smiley face stickers at Walmart think they could have done better. I think if anything we should be upset that airtraffic controlers couldn't even direct the fighters that were put up in the right direction and that they lost track of the planes. The fighters headed towards the Atlantic Ocean instead of towards flight 77, that's just scary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just goes to show that if you try writing in Word before Firefox finishes loading you might end up with a webpage you didn't expect. :) I'm actually really enjoying reading your blog... it's like my own diary from a female perspective.

Hmm... now to just reassert my manliness...

Beer, beer, football, football, beer, beer, football, football, women, women, hockey, hockey, women, women, hockey, hockey, Beer, football, women, hockey.

*phew* That was a close one. The last thing you ever want to do is admit you write a diary. Which I don't. Because that would be girly. And I'm not girly.

Gotta go. ;)

- B