Saturday, May 22, 2004

The vacation saga: May 11, 2004

Another day at sea, but there is so much to do on the boat it's not a worry. Guess what mom did? Yep, she slept all afternoon. I did hit the pool but it was a little too overcast to really get anything out of my time spent there.

Lunch time brought one interesting couple, they were older. I'm looking at the one, and thinking either this is HER sister, or HER husband. It was 'Pat'! Earrings, a female shirt, hair curled... very ambiguous. At least things were clarified when HE made a comment about their grandchildren and one saying "grandpa...". Anyhow, point is - this couple managed to get through whatever screwed up deal was going on there to get to that point and they were still together and happy. Explain that one to me?

I did go to the art auction, which was featuring sports memorabilia. They had some amazing stuff. Unfortunately, only one hockey piece, which was a very cool picture of looney tunes characters done up to be Winnipeg Jets and signed by the artists. Needless to say $250 was a little out of the range of what I wanted to spend at the auction. But instead I got this awesome halloweenie type picture entitled 'Scary Scary Night' by De La Nuez.

Dinner ruled - lamb to die for. I also went back to the Vortex that evening... and I noticed something odd about people.
It's funny to see an older couple so in synch that it's creepy. The one woman was dancing and just randomly doing one clap - so out of synch. A minute or two later her husband joins her, and starts dancing in the same manner.

The vacation saga: May 12, 2004

A slower day, with some tanning/burning and finishing up one of my hockey books. Now, more about the Polynesian dancers: they were out there doing there thing again. There was this one dancer, he was way too old, and I wasn't interested - but he was good to watch. He had long silver hair and was riiiiihiped. Muscles muscles muscles. On this particular day he did one dance with the group and then removed the sarong to reveal the loin cloth with the butt floss. Wow. Now the amusing thing is - all of the old ass women went nuts! They were all making noise and starting running up to have their picture taken with him after the show. No, no I didn't get my picture with him *rolls eyes*

I attended the lecture on pearls and coral so I knew what to look for when I went to buy my pearl. That done the evening pressed on. Another formal dinner and an interesting show of a guy with a ukellaly (no I can't spell it) and singing... suprisingly it wasn't awful. For once I hit the sack early since tomorrow was to be our first day at port.

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