Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Today was our first "snow day".  It was really some sleet and wind right at freezing temps this morning that did them in.  I have to say how impressed I am.  Long gone are the days of watching the news ticker for delays and cancellations.  I woke to a voicemail from the school district (they provide transportation) indicating they were on a 2 hour delay.  I also had an email from her school indicating a two hour delay.  While I was in the bathroom I got the phone call from the school reiterating the 2 hour delay.  I hadn't even looked out the window yet to get an inkling there could be weather issues.

After getting a bit of work in I woke her with plenty of time... but also just in time to get the call indicating that the school district was closed.  If they're closed we don't have their transportation to school so I went ahead and emailed her teacher to let her know she would do a remote learning day (I was not driving that way if the roads were gross).  About 40 minutes later the call came saying that her school was closed too; at this point I was driving to help my favorite egg drop his car at the dealership for something to get checked.  The roads were a bit sloppy but it had warmed up enough that it was fine.

It definitely took that hour first thing in the morning and a long rest of the day to get my hours in while also taking breaks to facilitate her remote learning.  I would give her the info she needed (since she can't read well enough just yet) and help her understand two sheets and return to work while she finished it and then got to watch some tv.  Loop this 5 times and we managed to finish her work around 2pm. 

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