Sunday, August 20, 2023

I am feeling productive, so I had to pop on and record the moment.  I started my day by throwing goodies into the slow cooker as we headed out to church.  After I folded laundry with the foster cat, Cupcake, in the room.  She was having a blast running around and being in my room I know she was getting lots of smells from the dogs and Church.  She and Church have had a few interactions that have gone well enough, but she is still not very thrilled about the dogs.

I finished my mowing (front and side - I did the back on Friday) and weed eated, vacuumed, and then we had a delish meal.  The roast was cooked with potatoes, carrots, and banana peppers all from my garden.  At this point I was already proud of my progress by 1ish in the day, so I had mixed up a margarita, but I cut it short so we could make a big lots run.  We also got some ice cream, so I had some extra calories to work off.  I am still trying to keep my calories down and get some weight off and I have knocked out about 7 lbs so far.

I don't know what clicked, but when we came home I got to work in the garage.  I've been here for almost 7 years.  I have swept (and even used the leaf blower) to clear out the dust and cobwebs a few times but it was definitely do for some attention.  Now that I have a rack hanging from the ceiling  I need to reorganize as I move the one set of shelves .A few things landed in the trash, other things got reorganized (or re-discovered), and I lots of tidying took place.  I have a nice healthy pile of things that Avery no longer needs, I just need to clean them up and find someone who wants to give me a few bucks for them.  At this point maybe I need to wait until next summer... but at least they're all piled together now and it is less crowded in on the sides of the car.

Don't ask me what all I did NOT achieve this weekend because the list is long.  My work computer had issues early this past week that were not repairable - I need to get the rest of my data moved and a few things installed on the new system they mailed me as to complete my transition.  It didn't happen.  Now that I spent quality time in the garage I need to do the same in the basement.  Wish me luck and motivation ya'll.  I also could use a bit of luck to manage the evolving schedule.  4 more days.

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