Thursday, June 15, 2023

We finally got a few days of rain.  The rain barrel is full again and the grass is growing again (that didn't take long).  Of course this rain rolled in on Sunday afternoon whilst my sister was visiting just as we finished up with a cat rescue event and were supposed to be headed to the town pool. It also dropped our temps enough that the pool is out of the question until that water warms back up again.

While she was in and my other sister came in for a couple of days, we celebrated Avery's pre-k graduation.  I can't believe we're here.  Things are happening too fast!

Now that my sister left, I got down to business this evening.  I trimmed back the growth behind the back fence, stuffing it into the garbage cans.  I weed eated along the fence and edges and scooped poop.  I'm tired.  I'll tell you what - I was ready to kick over a few times while doing this work and it isn't even up in the 90s today.  I really need to get some weight off or I am going to collapse at some point this summer just trying to keep my yard in shape.  Again, I ask how on earth people get so much larger than even I am at this point.

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