Tuesday, December 06, 2022

Medication handoff took place yesterday before lunch so I got on top of treatment.  Today was day 2 and I'm already leaps and bounds better at giving liquid meds to cats.  Thank God they're such sweet cats or I am sure I would be have an eye clawed out by now.  After getting Avery to bed I took a solid pass disinfecting in the room. 

The beds and toys were steam sterilized in the dryer.  The liter boxes and scoop were scrubbed, bleach sprayed, and totally swapped out for new liter (the garbage guys will love picking that up next week).  It wreaks of Lysol in there as I sprayed the carpets and blankets across the bed (rather than exposing the bed itself to the cats whiles I washed them at this time).

I kept Avery home from school today due to some ich -- which hasn't happened much in her 5 years.  She was sneezing and coughing last night and she commented about being tired before bed time.  No fever or anything but I decided I would let her sleep in and play it by ear.  She didn't sleep super late, but did wake up saying her throat was a little sore (probably drainage) and coughing.  So she got to chill on the couch and I fed that cold a bit.  I convinced her to nap after a dose of medicine and she came bounding in around 3pm to tell me she was ready to go to school.

I'll tell you, this kid is awesome.  When I was a kid, before dimetapp came out with that yummo grape flavor, and the medicine was gross good luck getting me to take it.  I cracked a bottle of "bubble gum" flavored Tylenol (she picked it over grape and cherry when we were at the store a while back) last night and she informed me it was gross.  She still took today's doses without more than a scrunched up nose.

It was nice to get a taste of what it will be like when she starts going to real school.  Not needing to leave the house in the morning or to watch the clock to run back out at a certain time was quite nice.

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