Sunday, May 08, 2022

Happy mother's day to all!  Avery and I were up early this morning to go to church.  We were out to celebrate my niece Kate's college graduation last night, making it impossible to make that check in yesterday.  It looks like things are warming up, but the yard is pretty darn soaked, so I am not sure I can mow.  I guess that means I might have to just chill in the hot tub while Avery plays on the swing set.

I am trying hard to relax a bit an back off of the crazy amount of extra work.  This bought me the time -- and miraculously the motivation -- to do a little bit of sorting and tidying yesterday morning.  Avery's downstairs books have all headed up stairs and her games are now in the bookshelf area of her toy box.  Several kitchen cabinets were pulled, cleaned, and sorted.  I pulled the last of the little kiddo stuff from there.  Progress!

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