Friday, February 04, 2022

Ice-pocolypse 2022 update:

While I am sure the roads were gross enough to warrant closing today daycare today I am still annoyed.  They closed at 3pm yesterday too, even though the temps were still above freezing at that point (and for a while after). I know, I know... they are just trying to keep everyone safe, but I am so over the closures. I probably wouldn't blink about this if we didn't have all of the covey related closures in the past few months on top of these weather related closures.

I do still think they've been taking more liberties than they should for "pending" weather.  This isn't school age kids who can continue with remote learning.  Avery does decently plopped in front of the TV while I continue to work and I should be grateful that she isn't younger, right?

After waking I saw quite a few posts on the local FB groups about power outages, so I kicked on the fireplace (gas with an electric starter). I don't want to turn it off, just in case, but it's starting to get toasty in here.  It might be shorts weather inside soon.

Speaking of power outages!  I got another call about a planned outage.  ahem.  So I guess they didn't do the work the last time?  *sigh*  Add this to the list of distractions and irritations about my efforts to get work in.

I just went and shoveled the driveway.  At the moment snow flurries are picking up.  I wanted to get any ice/crud out of the way as that is definitely heavier.  I'd say we had a nice 1" of crunchy mix under the dusting of snow from overnight.

In my defense I'm pulled too thin.  Our favorite egg was staying away after he was sick, visited once or twice and then had a repeated bow to other lingering ailments which has him staying away again.  My days are loaded with meetings, so trying to find a window between said meetings for an early pick up yesterday was fun.  I'm also supposed to be trying to get OT in at this point.

If I wasn't so embarrassed, posting a picture of my basement would sum things up.  The Christmas stuff isn't 100% away and there is a pile of outdoor Halloween decorations that never made it closer to 'away' than my garage.  I need to get my butt in gear because I now have the plumber coming due to the leak on the back outdoor faucet kicking back up - and he will need my junk out of his way to work inside.

Last summer I may have complained about the bib outside not always shutting off properly.  If you turned it back on and off again you would eventually get it to really turn off and stop dripping.  Naturally I did this before winter and put a cover on the bib.  Well, it started to run on me again *big scary blinking danger sign in Jan-Feb*.

Yes, there are shutoffs running to the bibs, but they're not where you'd think they would be.  They were found, but the one to the drippy bib wouldn't turn the whole way (go figure).

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