Sunday, January 09, 2022

This weekend Zero has decided to go into 100% hardcore drive me insane mode.  We went outside to enjoy the snow Friday after school/work and he promptly jumped up, putting both front paws on Avery toppling her over.  She plopped down on her butt, and gratefully didn't end up smacking her head on the concrete, which could have easily happened.  I feel like all I did this weekend was yell - "leave the cat alone", "don't jump on her" (he will jump onto the couch not carrying if he's landing on Avery), "get out of there".  Today we went to the trampoline park and hung out w/ Avery's best buddy for a couple of hours.  We returned home to find that he was able to reach a significant amount of Avery's stuff.  If he can reach it from the crate he drags stuff into the crate and destroys it.  Her tent and tunnel, or what remained on the main body of each anyhow, are both in the trash at this point.  Her sleeping bag has a hole that will need to be repaired.  Avery didn't cry a ton, which I am surprised by, but grateful for.

I'm over it.  I can't stand having this huge crate in the middle of my living room forever.  There isn't a bigger space to put it where nothing can be reached.  You can't have it up against anything, as I learned in my bedroom, because when he has a poo accident you get to clean the whole wall too!

This has been an expensive few months with him - and I don't even leave very long/very often.  How long before him stomping on Avery, Church, or Saf is more than an annoyance?  What if he pushes Avery down the stairs?  What if he really hurts the cat?

I did it.  I left the message saying I just can't do it anymore.  I don't know what else to do.  I never thought I'd be this person.  I miss the peaceful existence I had 4 months ago.

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