Monday, October 18, 2021

Saturday Avery and I hit the road... it's the first time I have left the state in a year.  Our target?  Cross Junction VA to pick up a doggo that came north from Southern Siberian Rescue (my old friends from NC).  His name is presently Oshie and we're working on something else.  I was thinking "Bates Francis" in tribute to one of my favorite hockey players in NC (and also a nice tie to Norman Bates) and my favorite Penguin/Hurricane Ronnie Francis (which was also my Dad's middle name), but my Favorite Egg promptly indicated he was going to call him Master *sigh - boys*

He is a black and white pibald with the most interesting 'eyebrows', super soft fur, looks 'short' to me but I am sure that is due to years of being around non-standard sized siberians.  He is about a year and a half from their guesses and he's a bit wild/clod-like, so we will be working to calm him down.

Nothing like proving I am an unfit mother whilst going to get the new boy-child.  I managed to leave Saffy outside when we left.  There she was, assuredly quite unhappy about the situation for about 7 hours until my Favorite Egg got here *smacks forehead*  I had a neighbor message me too (which I didn't see on FB) asking if I was ok.  The good news is they recognize that leaving her out was uncharacteristic of me.  The bad news is they had to listen to her disgruntled complaints all day.

Saffy and he are agreeable, but she was not in a good mood yesterday.  I am guessing it was due to being tired and maybe even sore from being outside all day on Saturday and unable to lounge in her stacked beds.  She seems to be a bit happier today (her tail was up), but she is not wanting to roughhouse with him -- that might be a good thing if we can break him of that.

I'm glad Avery is bigger that she stands a chance of defending herself, but she isn't used to the dog being crazy and clod-like.  I am sure there will be a few tears, but who has a human brother that wasn't driven to shed a few because "Mommy, he did this".

Church's eyes about bugged out when they caught glimpse of one another.  Oshie was all super psyched.  Unfortunately, Church has been reverted to his room during the day (for now) and given total freedom at night.  We will slowly work forward as I did with Saf and Church, but please do say a prayer for us to help ensure we all become one big happy family.

The first casualty of a new doggo came this morning while I took Avery to school.  I came home to find my radishes on the floor (untampered with at least) and my dish scrubber chomped.  How I see it is that he is taking it easy on me.  He definitely has some anxiety (that was apparent on the drive home, but could also have been 100% from his looooong day on the road moving between vehicles).  Hopefully it will wane quickly as he learns our routine and sees that I will come back every time.

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