Tuesday, October 26, 2021

I hate how easily strangers can effect me.  I try to allow school buses out in front of me where I can.  I do it in honor of Mom, who drove a school van, but also in these times they need a little hand and there aren't enough of them to go around, so we gotta be extra nice.

Today the guy behind me laid on the horn and started yelling out his window.  I hate that he ruined my morning.  I hate that he so easily drew me into yelling back at him -- at least I didn't swear.  Just settle down people.

Critter updates:  We now have a woolly bear caterpillar living in Avery's bug catcher container.  He was on a sweatshirt she brought in so I thought we'd try tending to him.  From what I read he just needs clover, grass, and a stick -- we have all of those right here.

Church and Zero (on leash) did spend time in the same room.  Zero's energy is still not quite right for me.  Church still struts around like a confident kittie, so that's good.  We (Church and I) are locking ourselves in the office during the work day.  Zero is starting to learn the rules *knock on wood* and chilling while outside of that room.  I'm hoping to have the energy to try more as the week progresses.

Now if we can just get him to stop turning on the drooly water works when in the crate.  I don't trust him enough to give him freedom while I run to and from getting Avery, so in he goes -- and out he comes a half an hour later soaked.

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