Monday, September 20, 2021

Two big things in my brain today... first is something that greatly troubles me and I gotta get it out so I can sleep tonight.

Today a presumption I made about what most Christians believe and hold true was shattered.  This is something that is black and white to me, a question of morals, and straight up addressed in the commandments.  It was classified as "too political" for an individual of faith, one in leadership, and they took the 15 foot pole approach.

I don't see it as political, but, let's presume it is -- fine.  Here's the deal:  Jesus got involved in politics.  Let's be honest... he was the ultimate victim of the political cancel culture of his day.  He certainly didn't just stay quiet and allow people to sit comfortably in sin.  I don't know about you, but I'm most ill at ease when things are pointed out to me that I am guilty of.

When I was a teenager I had a Sister (nun) teaching us as I wrapped up my years of catechism classes.  She told us :the stories in the bible aren't true, they're just stories meant to teach you a lesson" - and I'll never forget it, she fractured my faith and belief for years.  This interaction today made me think of that time, but I am definitely not allowing this response to break me - it does make me sad because it highlights how much luke warm water there is around me.  Aside:  I sincerely miss my church in Jtown.

Man is too easily misled and they lead other sheep astray.  Pray friends.  Get your relationship straight with God and ask Him to guide you and correct you.  When we start to say "surely God wouldn't judge me for this" or "I don't think He meant that" what we are doing is creating a god in our image.  Without admitting this error and repenting we earn our wages.

Pay on to Caesar friends what is his, and give God what is His (i.e., everything).


The second is the realization that my ex is probably going to be patient zero for a covey variant.  He was notorious for not getting sick often, but when he did it was a doozy.  Let's say he caught something from me - he'd go down hard - he would then give me something different back.

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