Thursday, July 29, 2021

We had a visit from my sister and niece earlier this week.  I enjoyed taking a couple more days away from the drudgery.  It also afforded me enough time that we had a significant breakthrough with "C" and Saffy.  Saffy is now chill, enough so that I have a picture of "C" sleeping in her bed in my office whilst she slept beside it today.  Ok so the cat and the dog can get along... the last thing to get through is adjusting me to a cat.

Leaps and strides have been made for everyone's bonding... but I know I still have a long road to haul if he is going to stay.  I'm happy that Avery is happy and super excited that the dog and cat are peaceful at this point.  This means the cat is now out and wandering about.

This also means that I have plastic bags lining the kitchen counters and table to convince him that these are not suitable places to jump up. I have stuffed plastic bags around the dirt on plants to keep him from digging in the pots.  I just discovered carpet snagged up under the door to the spare room where he's been staying at night -- so not pleased about that.  I am trying to wear him out and feed him amply for bed time in the hopes he will crash, but dude, you are going to land in a giant dog crate if you don't cut that quick.  I know, I know, I should give him the same treatment dogs get and he should get to sleep in my room, right?  But you and I both know that the cat isn't going to sleep through and I am going to want to strangle him, right?

The good news is that when the kid rolls over after being awakened she smiles when she realizes it is the kittie standing there and not just me.

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