Saturday, May 15, 2021

Back on April 9th I planted some tomato seeds.  On March 7th I had planted pepper seeds.  Both are still pretty small, despite being under a grow light for a few weeks, but I moved them into bigger pots today.  Hopefully something survives. I've never had luck from seeds.  After a week of disappointing odds and ends I just want some small victory.

Of the larger items purchased form the hardware store and potted in larger containers a few weeks ago they still seem to be growing roots as they haven't shot up just yet.  I noticed today that I have little bugs with larger wings all over the tomato plants - time to do some research. The basil isn't looking great, but the mint seems to be quite pleased.

The strawberries from last year have greened up nicely.  It didn't produce too many strawberries last year, but it is a pleasant surprise that it survived the winter since the pots were outside.  The pot of potatoes are also looking quite good.

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