Sunday, May 02, 2021

A little bit of new stuff:  we were up bright and shiny yesterday.  It was Avery's first swim lesson in a series.  Technically she has had a few other lessons when she was teeny, but this is different.  Mommy is not in the water and she works with an instructor.  It ended up being 3 little girls (they indicated on the website it would be a ratio of 4:1).  She did really well, even jumping in (with a little bit of a crouch) to the teacher at the end of the lesson.  They're short lessons, but it's something and I can watch to see how I can try to break things down and reinforce this summer.  My goal is to have her actually swimming.

Update to my updates:
The second electric estimate was even higher.  *facepalm*  Delivery was set up for yesterday, so I called the first place back.  The great thing is the electrician arrived about 5 minutes after the delivery team, so they were ready to get that entire project complete yesterday.  It hurt to write the check, but it's done!  The hot tub is full, I put the initial treatment in, I will check the ph tonight and hopefully will get to wash away some of the other anxieties that continue to linger.

The landscaping guy also came yesterday.  I'm going to freely admit, this one chalks up to not being crystal clear between the two of us.  My anxiety is a bit higher as a result.  So he flattened a 28'x35' area.  Technically that is probably what they indicate for the set given that they say to have 5' all around it as play space, but I'm sorry, that's excessive.  The good news is I have a very big flat space.  The bad news is two-fold, this means a dip down closer to the top of the yard now and a much steeper dip at the back -- which is WAY to close to the fence for my liking.  It feels like a launch pad for a future dog.  The other bad news is I am back to a mud pit that needs a lot of grass seeding and all of that expense.  I need to take a minute and think about what feels like the best path forward now.  Another piece of good news is that I can call the swing set folks to set delivery to said mud pit.

In the middle of this crazy packed day I ran my sister back to the airport.  Traffic and closed lanes made this a two-hour ordeal.  *shakes head*  But she is home safe and sound.

Physical therapy still hurts on the directions where I have some restrictions.  I need to really work things today.  I have a follow up tomorrow at the ortho.

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