Wednesday, March 03, 2021

The doctor did call and leave a brief message on Monday evening (work number so I didn't hear it ring).  He indicated that the test was negative (meaning no other issues were uncovered) and that he would call me back in the next couple of days to talk one on one.  I would presume we will proceed with a manual adjustment.

Even without physical therapy the pain and stiffness hasn't dissipated enough to give me a good night's sleep.  If the pain would end I would just say screw it and wait out the thawing.  The pain is mostly in my neck and bicep which are tight.  I have a massage today, I am hoping for some relief.  The other big pain comes when I bump the arm or move the arm abruptly in a direction it doesn't like.  For example, this morning the cuff of my sleeve caught on the knob on the front of the stove as I moved in front of it.  This left me doubled over roaring and chain swearing for a minute.  I am ready to be done needing to complain about this.

I dropped off my tax papers yesterday, another good thing that has come from COVID (in addition to the surge in curbside offerings).  Money moved to bolster my Roth IRA for last year and this year.  Money went to procure some other savings materials that will be held here (I really need to buy a bigger safe).  I think I'll (finally) be opening a 529 for Avery.  I am also itching to buy some type of mini pool or inflatable thing for our entertainment this summer.  It seems like a reasonable investment since I can't justify a hot tub just yet.

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