Thursday, December 31, 2020

This is going to be the strangest reflection upon a year ever.  Life continues to fly.  I guess given the landscape of 2020, that is kind of a good thing, but it does mean some of the most precious time with my little one has also flown by.

As always let's look at the wishes I had for 2020:
- I have gotten to know my new relatives better, but not as I would have liked.  It's kind of hard given the past year. I can't use that as an excuse though, I need to get better at getting on the telephone.  Let's put that on my wishes for this year, since it doesn't look like much will change.
- I wanted to get back on top of loosing weight.  Let's call that the most epic fail ever.  I'm up, and not by a couple of pounds this year.  Again, I can't give myself a pass with the pandemic, I have no one to blame but myself.
- Doing things with Avery was limited since many things were closed.  We did do soccer, but we didn't start swim lessons or other things that I probably would have otherwise done.  We did still go to Idlewild one day too.
- House progress - from my list there is a new freezer and dishwasher and I got the interior painted, which is huge, even though it wasn't on my list last year.
- Am I better person?  I dunno, I'd like to think so.  I've made progress on some things that are important, but could do better.
- I'm glad I didn't comment again on making more friends here.  Heaven knows that has been impossible this year.

Notes from 2020:
- Avery is not a very picky eater, I consider that a pretty huge win.  She is well spoken and clear, she's smart and funny, and she is totally potty trained -- even in undies over night!
- Another year with a single cruise.  There should have been a second one, but ya know.  The saddest part of this is that who knows when I can look forward to another one.  We didn't get to Aunt Jackie's either, but fortunately she did come here -- with my niecey poo! -- and we got to spend time with Susanne.
- Work is crazy busy.  There is opportunity for overtime pay too though, so that helps in some other ways.  I'm still struggling to use vacation time -- mostly because I can't leave, so when I schedule off I tend to still get sucked in because there is so much that needs to be done.
- Danika is no longer with us.  It happened pretty early in the pandemic and as sad as is makes me to say it, it was a bit of a relief.  I think she had a good life with me.  Avery still remembers her and mentions her.  She was a good girl and she deserves to be in heaven with her Meme.
- Safyre is well, thank goodness.  I did find someone who was skilled enough to trim her nails properly!  So she is probably more comfortable.  I feel bad for her at this point with Avery; Avery has taken to following her around the house with her trucks.  Saffy remains very patient and takes the turn the other cheek attitude, she's a good girl.

So my wishes for 2021:
- Normal.  I want normal back.  I want to go do things and experience things with my daughter.  I want to walk around the zoo without a mask, I want to cruise, I want to fly to see Aunt Jackie, I want to go see our older family members in Altoona.
- I could leave it at that, but I won't.  What can I control?  I can control me.  That means it's time to fix the weight thing (again).  Me being a chonk sure doesn't help ensure I could weather COVID if (when) it happens.  I need to be here and be well for my sweet girl.
- Here at the house, I don't know what I want to tackle anything other than beating down the mortgage.  I refinanced it to reduce the payments and timeline earlier this year.  I want to get even further ahead.  I have always tried to pay ahead and put into retirement, but listening to more and more Dave Ramsey I am thinking I need to kick it up even more.  It's time to curb bs spending.
- I also want to keep working on more bible reading (or listening as it has been this year on my bible app).  I will get the whole way through on the year long plan that I am midway through.  I have also been playing through the rosary each day (since late October) in preparation for the election.
- I'm considering a shift in churches, but I guess first things need to open back up again.
- Most of all, I want to see a bunch of politicians get voted out.  I want God to shine His light into the darkness, expose the corruption, and open a bunch of eyes and ears so the attempts by the media to convince people otherwise would be as though they had been muted.

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