Wednesday, June 10, 2020

My car got inspected today (it was technically due in May, but they granted us an extension).  While I needed to get the car inspection done this month they hadn't opened their waiting room or started providing their shuttle service yet.  Since I forced  my Favorite Egg out of bed super early (for him) this morning to drive me there and to bring me back later I took him to one of his favorite spots - Bob Evans.  It was pretty weird to dine out somewhere (not takeout) after how many months.

In other news I spur of the moment decided to order a Dyson Pet vacuum.  I say spur of the moment, but honestly I have needed a vacuum for years now, even after buying the Miele that I currently use on the main floor (since I am not a fan of it).  The lesser vacuum that is upstairs smells like it is a risk of fire when it is running and has more spots taped up on the cord than is reasonable.  The Miele will likely go upstairs and the junk one will tend to the basement.

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