Thursday, June 18, 2020

I'm officially angry when I think "new normal".  Before I just didn't like it.  Regardless, I still refuse to accept the way things are at present to be the way they will remain indefinitely.

This morning we got up and got ready.  We were already at Starbucks (which, by the way was closed this past weekend for a deep clean because someone wasn't feeling well) *rolls eyes*, when I got a text message saying daycare was closed today and tomorrow.  The reason?  Someone's (not sure if it is student or teacher) family member MAY HAVE come into contact with someone with covid.  They're waiting for a test result.  If it comes back positive does that mean I don't have daycare for 2 weeks?  Regardless of how it comes back is this going to happen again in 2 weeks?

This just isn't viable long term.  People have to work.  People have to have child care.  Do I want my child at risk, no, so what do we do?

Since June 1 there are only 16 new confirmed cases in this county (out of 206,865 people) and one of ya'll just HAD to be around one of those people.  *gah!*

I think we're all going to get exposed at some point.  Yes, I have fear of what that exposure means (will one of us get very ill from it or even die?) so I'm not exactly eager for it to happen (I'm not throwing a chicken pox party), but it's coming for us, so in that way I want to just get it over with.  I so wish the sick we had back in February could have been attributed to it so I could say we were past it.

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