Monday, May 25, 2020

Finally a day that is 100% off work.  I was caught up earlier last week so I took Saturday off too.  Sure I had to get 5 hours in yesterday (Sunday) but the light is at the end of the tunnel.  We are slated for daycare to open back up next week, well I should say slated to attend when daycare opens next week.  I can always change course if I see evidence that makes me nervous, but we're almost to that point and that alone gives me some strength.

On the other hand, I really like seeing Avery so many more hours of each and every day.  It's not going to be easy to take her and drop her off - not that it ever was.

Also, being friends with some of the teachers on FB I see that one had to go to the ER w/ a family member and another drove to NY to sight see.  I mean, I know I can't control their lives and for each bullet like that making me nervous there are prb 10 more that I don't hear about.

There seems to be a lot of people going away still.  I wish I had the confidence and the knowledge of where to go that I could drive and stay somewhere for a week - somewhere that I can put my toes in sand.

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