Sunday, March 29, 2020

This week I have one full day of support (tomorrow), so I got on top of things today getting 2 1/2 hours of work in this morning, another 2 1/2 hours while she napped, and 1 hour as she went down for bed.  That still means I need to average around 5 hours a day for T-S during her sleep schedule.  Can't complain yet.  I'll save that for next week when rough actually kicks in.  I know at some point I need to start eating into vacation time, but until I can see the light at the end of our tunnel I really don't want to.

The more news I watch the more I think that I will be trying to manage things as is well to July.  I guess I need to come at this from the right perspective here... if I and my family remain well and I remain employed -- and this is my biggest complaint I am still blessed beyond measure.  Remind me of that regularly, please.

My favorite egg brought daffodils and hyacinths cut from his yard.  My downstairs smells delightful and the bright yellow is soothing.  Trees are starting to bud.  At least we can keep walking the neighborhood.  Now if only the rain and crazy winds would chill out.

Yesterday before 4  my phone went off with a Tornado Warning.  It looked pretty clear but within a few minutes the dark was looming, so I rounded up the dogs and Avery and we headed to the basement.  From there I could hear the hail pelting the windows.  There isn't really a great place to 'hide' here.  Maybe the half bath on the main floor is an option too, but it would be mighty hard to get the dogs in there with us.  Fortunately, things passed us by.  The hail a few miles away in Cecil was the size of the palm of an adult's hand.  Here from what I saw they were smaller.  Thank goodness I haven't filled my garage to the brim (like so many neighbors) and my car gets to stay hidden away - have I thanked God for that usable garage lately?  Time to do that again.

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