Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The battle continues, down a pound, back up one and a half, back down one pound.  Meh.  I continue to try and stay the course working out most every day and not allowing too many concessions (staying close to if not within my calories for each day).  I looked back and I've been bouncing around since July 26th -- a full month with no progress when I'm hitting overall intake numbers of approximately 1550 calories a day.  I should be down another 3 1/2-4 lbs.  Instead the calendar now says I'll hit my goal (if weight loss somehow started back up tomorrow) by December 18 instead of early November, which I remember it reading early on.  *sigh*

I've made nearly no progress in the half bath either.  So the toilet paper is sitting on the floor, not in a holder since the old one and the new one have very different mounts, and the towel is on the sink since I have to put that mount up.

I had to buy a different drain than the one that came with the faucet since I bought a sink without an overflow.  Well, the drain is crap too - the water tries to spray out around the top of the filter on the end and I can't get it on tighter, it's like the threading stripped -- and it was impossible to get it that far.  Sometimes the water stream forks in 3 directions, it's great. *sarcasm*

I need to get the holes patched and repainted too.  I need more hours in the day.  Once Avery is in bed (she is going down a bit later now than she was) I work out when I'm not completely whooped and the weekends well, it's hard to do stuff while I am tending to her.  Nap time also ends up being work out time or make myself lunch time.  Then I think about all of the other things I've fallen behind on.  I did get some cleaning in on Sunday before I quickly made a failed batch of cake pops to replace a birthday cake for Avery's private birthday celebration. (They taste okay but look like hot hell.)

We had an event to go to on Sunday, so the later afternoon and evening was taken up there.  I admit, I'm glad we're done with Little Gym for right now - just to free up a bit more time and not feel like I'm on the go all the time.  It's good timing too, as there seems to be events every stinking weekend.

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