Tuesday, August 13, 2019

I'm seriously needing motivation to keep going with my diet and exercise.  I've been good.  Last week I was 320 calories under my weekly budget, which is around 1550 calories a day to keep me losing weight but yet from the 9th to today (the 13th) the scale went up 3 pounds.  HOW?  HOW!?  ugh.  I know it will pass and drop back down, but why does my body do this to me and make me feel like a failure?  After all, I was only down a total of 10.5 pounds and it has taken since the end of June to get this far.  It is illogical that 30% of my month and a half loss can reappear in a couple of days.

I'm tired.  My ankles and even more so my knees ache.  I WANT all of the things I'm not allowing myself to eat and I want more of the things I am allowing myself to eat.  I don't want black coffee, I want sugar and cream.  There are better things to eat for lunch than a salad.  A plate of french fries and breaded chicken strips are calling my name.  Ooh, and that margarita mix in the cabinet?  Don't get me started.

I admit, my setback launched me (in anguish) to eat some things I shouldn't have today and more calories than I have plans to burn off in my evening workout, so I'll be over on calories today.  I loathe how easily I can self-defeat.

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