Wednesday, March 20, 2019

You're kidding right?

I got mail today from collections for local taxes saying I didn't pay my Cburg taxes in 2016.  Um.  Right, I didn't pay you any local taxes.  I didn't LIVE HERE in 2016.

I guess if you're too lazy to look up on your local records that I purchased the house in February 2017 and too lazy to look at my 2017 taxes which indicated partial year of February to December of 2017 here you probably don't want to go ahead and fight Richland to try and get the money that was paid, rightly, to them, so how about you leave me out of it?

I can't believe I have to waste my time making a telephone call and trying to figure out what I have to do to enlighten them.  Their form says I have to submit proof.  How about you submit proof I lived here?  This is your burden, not mine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The local tax people are the worst.