Thursday, February 28, 2019

I've been quite the slacker so far this year posting to my blog.  Forgive me.

So the eye doctor appointment I mentioned in my last post went well.  No changes whatsoever to the mole on my eye.  I've since gotten one filling, but we ran out of time and couldn't do the second in that appointment, so I have to go back in March *sigh*.  It took three shots of Novocaine, the third into the roof of my mouth because I was still feeling him drilling!

At the beginning of each year I make my rounds to all of the doctors, so I guess it makes sense that I start to sound like an old person with everything falling apart, but I also have to report that I'm on antibiotics today too.   I had my gyn appointment yesterday where I asked for them to test my urine for a UTI.  When I was pregnant I had my first/only one and it was completely asymptomatic then, so some oddness I've been noticing lately combined with my existing appointment had me wanting to know.

I've had a headache that I've been beating away for weeks now too, which has given me a stiff neck, a feeling that my head is too heavy to hold up, and tired achy eyes.  Of course I'm now making myself paranoid as I look around on Google.  I guess we'll see when the lab tests come back, but either way I've started the antibiotics.

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