Tuesday, December 12, 2017

I am pretty sure the dogs and the kid are working together against me to prevent me from sleeping.  Maybe that is my overly tired mind talking.  I believe I mentioned my desire for a nap on Sunday, or to at least return to bed in the morning that never happened.  Well Monday evening I closed my eyes while he held kiddo and she immediately started screaming.  I held her and she wiped out, but of course, you can't sleep while holding a wee one, so he took her back.

Now if I could have stayed downstairs maybe I wouldn't have noticed she was screaming again fairly soon.  But since the TV set up through the receiver is being cranky and I couldn't get the DirecTV to display I went upstairs - that was my sleep-fatal mistake.  I couldn't listen to her cry, I definitely couldn't fall asleep while it was happening - so I took her again and we rocked in the chair.  She fell asleep and there we sat for the next hour plus.

By the time I fed and changed her, and got my shower it was 11pm once again.  Since we're sleeping through the night that isn't so bad, right?  Well this is where the dogs joined in.  First there was the need to go outside around 4 something.  Then one of them needed yelled at for drinking from the toilet around 5:30am.  From there kiddo started her little noises and kicking around (as she does most days) so I didn't get back to sleep.  You'd think getting up in the middle of the night would have helped my back out too, but it didn't so I also feel a bit out of whack.

I'm truly to the point of whiny and cranky due to my desire for more sleep.  I tried to get it out of my system with a nastygram to Zulily.  Once again, they emailed on something I ordered saying "sorry, it isn't getting here as fast as we expected... and we'll cancel the order if we can't get it in 30 days".  My gripe:  You already charged me.  Your site said it would be here for Christmas.  It is for new Christmas stockings - for my child's first Christmas mind you.  I ordered more direct from that supplier that matches (tree skirt).  Don't cancel the order - fulfill it.  I had to pay for shipping, so I then shopped around more on your site and bought other stuff I prb otherwise would have talked myself out of.  If they don't send those items this will likely be my last (attempted) purchase from them.

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