Wednesday, October 04, 2017

My time at home is coming to a close very soon.  I almost feel like I need to get out during the day simply because I still can - not that there is anything I need to go do.  We're finding our groove in many ways, but of course challenges remain.  Regardless, I have to say - I get why people would rather stay home.  Sure it's emotionally fulfilling to hold her and see her smile, but more than that.  I don't want to see the role of Mother is easier, but it is in many ways and the stress is different.  I feel like I have more freedom of my time than I do with a full work day.  I can't imagine how consumed my life will feel when I return back to work.

For now I am focusing on achieving a few tasks each day - the ones I'd typically do if I were working (laundry, dishes, vacuuming, that type of stuff) but I'm also indulging when she relaxes.  Sorry, but if I have to sit still with a pump I am definitely turning on Netflix.  Girl gave me lots of peace on Monday, and I was able to cook up all of the squash that I had waiting to be consumed from the farm.  Needless to say I am a little backed up on fresh food.  This always happens with the farm basket as I can only eat so much, but I'm trying to keep up.

My new mattress is doing well for us.  But frankly, I think I'd sleep like a champ regardless.  Yes, I'm sleeping, but I'm still also getting up once or twice in the middle of the night for 30-60 minutes.

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