Monday, June 26, 2017

This weekend my Favorite Egg and I gathered with some of his family for a picnic as an out of town family member was in.  It was nice to get together for a picnic and be able to sit outside on the deck instead of hiding inside as we normally do for get togethers (Thanksgiving/Christmas) and to see everyone.

He stayed and Sunday, despite me being so incredibly tired again, motivated me to get a few things done.  A few more pictures are up on the wall, he hung hooks on the new deck roof and hung my wind chimes, and he was moving some dirt out back in preparation for the fence (they called and are planning to come start tomorrow).

I have to say this much... I'm not used to allowing people to do "my" work for me, especially when I have to sit it out because it is simply too much for me right now.  With an ex, there was always a bit of anger directed toward me when I'd go outside to start this type of work (raking/planting/digging) because he felt obligated to then come help, pulling him away from personal entertainment activities.  Yard work beyond mowing wasn't something he seemed very willing to do and that was when it was _his_ house too.  To have someone in my life that is stepping up and saying "I'm going to go do this" at a place that isn't his responsibility means the world to me.  I'm so grateful that he is willing to do things for me, for us, for the fuzzy girls, and for our family to be.

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