Wednesday, August 24, 2016

New carpet is complete in the apartment and looks pretty darn good, matching well with the newly painted walls.  I touched up the paint quickly tonight before running back out to head to the church.  I will need to do a little cleaning up in there after they get the rest of their stuff out of there.  Upstairs they have the smaller bedroom complete, which also looks brighter/lighter and quite nice.  They'll move the furniture in the morning and get the other room done.  Then I'll have all of the reorganizing and clean up up there to tend to on top of more cleaning ... because an open house is currently scheduled for Saturday and contractors tend to track things every which way.

Another cool discovery is that there is hardwood under the carpet upstairs too!  They painted some of it, but at least it isn't wood just around the outside.  That's good info to pass along to new owners should they prefer to redo the hardwood.

Either way, today was nice.  The girls were happy that I was here for a chunk of the day, and I didn't have any messes to clean up.

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