Wednesday, October 21, 2015

While nothing really directly smacked me around yesterday, it felt like a bad day. There was hearing about a former coworker's son being injured pretty severely in an ATV accident, a woman in our church who everyone knew who passed quite unexpectedly, and people backing out of an upcoming event. I just felt overwhelmed.

The weather was nice yesterday, so I hustled my butt outside after getting home to cross off one big pre-winter to do still on my list. The front lawn got a quick last mow, the plants all cut back, the weeds and wild flowers pulled, and the tomato plants that were outside have been pulled and dumped. That helped me feel a little better.

I also convinced Beff to go for a later than usual walk so I still got my exercise time in, but we got to talk on the bevy of topics swirling in her head with all of the planning. She seems to be leaps and bounds ahead of where I'd be on decisions in such a short period of time. Ok, I won't call them decisions, but leanings.

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