Friday, September 05, 2014

Last night I survived my first run of 20 minutes straight. I can hardly believe it. The first few minutes were the most daunting, mentally. When the trainer dinged telling me I was half way I was elated and starting to get hopeful. Around the 17 minute mark I really had to dig deep... fortunately, shuffle on my music queued up just what I needed at that moment, and I made it. I can't tell you how hard it was to not scream "frelling-a" when that timer went off. I'm sure the folks living around where I finished appreciate my restraint.

Even back in school I couldn't run the 1 mile they required of us as part of the physical fitness tests. This is the first time I can say with confidence I ran a mile straight (and then some I'm sure). I don't know the distance, just the time, but just across the halfway point of the couch to 5k program I ran 20 minutes!

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