Thursday, July 17, 2014

Yesterday was so jam packed it makes me want to win the lottery and not need to work all the more.  Because my body hates me and now wakes up way too early regardless of an alarm clock I was up and got a 45 minute walk in on the treadmill before truly starting my day off.  I even had time to make scrambled eggs before heading down the mountain for a laser hair removal appointment.
It's been two years since I went, but I was due.  I've had good results.  I'm not hairless by any means, but my leg and armpit hair is much thinner and lighter, this is well worth the slight pain and smell of burnt popcorn.  I made this appointment after my sister scheduled her flight into SCE for the same day.
So, from there I headed to mom's for a short visit and running errands for her before Niecey-poo and I left for State College.  Sister obtained we went back to mom's and I got fed (smile) and visited a little while longer before it was time to head back up the mountain to catch up with The Law.
He and I went to break in my new little birthday gift to me and I got to try out a couple of other neat little toys.  As always it is lovely to get to chat and spend some time with him, the only disappointment was not also getting to share this evening with The Missus and The Boy-Child.
I'm psyched for today's lunch as it is a rare trip out for some lunch time grub, including Mexican, and a quick visit with Beff and Magic Hands before he heads out on a mission trip.  Yay for more time with good people.

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