Saturday, May 11, 2013

Teetering on numbers I don't want to cross, I accepted the challenge from a coworker to jump back on the 17 day diet.  I started this morning... so my breakfast was a smoothie w/ some yogurt, fresh strawberries, and blueberry/pom juice.  I then realized I could have easily made one w/ some of the chocolate milk I need to use up, yogurt, and peanut butter.  I think I know what I'm having tomorrow!  At least coffee is okay on the diet, as I need to have a cup.  The last time I went on this diet I was off of coffee completely.  Maybe I should start to back off of it again.  The bigger challenge will be getting enough water in each day, I just can't drink 64 oz each day.

My stop at Aldi last night produced a lot of produce :)  I guess it is the best time of year to try and start something like this.  There are strawberries, a mango, a pineapple, tomatoes, lemons, oranges, apples, broccoli, brussels sprouts, kefir, frozen mixed berries, and chicken.  I guess I don't need more from Fritz's but I want to stop, is that wrong?  I do need to stop at Iggle and get more yogurt and maybe another container of fruit juice for smoothie purposes.

Now, I said "best time of the year" a second ago and my next thought was, sure... but I might have to cover the tomato plants because it could snow on Monday.  Seriously.  Even if I had waited until the dates I found online to plant tomatoes in this area (May 10th) I'd be sitting here waiting even longer.

Needless to say, it is still too cold, and rainy, to go out and do the things that I am eager to cross off of the list outside.  I did put the humidifiers away, but I might regret that too if the humidity drops w/ the snow.  As to feel like I am making some type of progress I am instead doing a couple loads of laundry and scrubbed the basement floor.  Maybe I'll work up the gumption to gather more stuff upstairs for Goodwill and trash.

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