Monday, February 25, 2013

This weekend started off with dinner w/ eggs, after picking up my new purchase.  Go figure, someone at work is selling a full sized one for a lower price on our internal classifieds now.  *meh*  Regardless, it's here, I have it, I am learning all about it.

Saturday's plans were partially collapsed with the pending bad weather which never manifested.  I still had a massage appointment, which was quite needed, so I didn't get to head to mom's.  Not surprisingly, she called Saturday night to taunt me, noting she was making pot pie the next day, but I already had plans. Those plans were to head to see Kath, Mark, Kelly, Bob, Katie, and Amy, and to meet the guy they wanted to introduce me to.  As always Kathy made a ton of delish food and it was fantastic to see everyone and get to talk.  I miss my hockey peeps!  Yes, he seems nice enough (nosy aren't you?) It's hard to really get to chat and have the interrogation session in a room full of people.

Today I woke with a stiff neck.  I don't think I slept funny, but here we are.  I really hate feeling the 'getting old' so easily.

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