Sunday, December 30, 2012

Bless the Internet.  I realized that a few things that I was planning to run and shop for had free shipping, one being light and easy to deal with (furnace filters from Home Depot) and the other being a blessing to not need to lug around (6 bags of dog food).  You heard me right.  I usually only buy 3 when they're on sale, but I figured if I don't need to haul them from the store, load the durango, unload the durango, and lug them to the front door I'd double-down.  I am a bit mean as I did get a giggle wondering what the mailman or the UPS guy would think (call it minor revenge for past performance), but today I got the shipping notice that it is instead coming from FedEx.  Regardless, with these off of my to do list I had more time Friday evening to stop in on my aunt and uncle and then go for diner with them before hitting the grocery store.

I've tried to make my weekend productive and relaxing.  Most of the Christmas decorations are down and away (minus the lit up huskies and sled... I just wanted a few more days with it) and the treadmill and elliptical are back in place.  I promised myself I wouldn't watch the DVDs I got in my Christmas gifts without being on the treadmill, so I was eager to get things accessible again.  Then I watched two episodes of season 7 Sunny while walking last night.

I spent some time this weekend with the girls outside taking photos of them playing and enjoying the snow and I've been on icicle patrol/knock-down duty all weekend.  I think we got another 3-4 inches maybe.  It's blown around and packed down a bit, so it's hard to say what the total is.  Speaking of photos... only one more day to complete the photo a day challenge.  I admit, I'll be happy to be done with my camera for a while, but then I need to try out the new goodies I got for it.

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