Friday, October 26, 2012

This morning, while brewing the pot of coffee in the office kitchen, the news was talking about "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" and how it encourages bullying and should be removed from TV.  Are you kidding me?  What is wrong with people?  Something that came out in 1966 is the creation of bullying today?  Freak no.  You're upset with the fact that they call each other names... sometimes the shoe fits, because guess what I think of your opinion on this if you agree, blockhead!
Bullying isn't something new, there is nothing you will do to stop it completely, but I assure you not spanking your kid, sending them to their room with their PS3 and other goodies, and giving them time out won't help either.  The attitude of no losers, everyone gets a trophy needs to stop.  If I ever have a kid they'll be held to a higher standard than the bullshit most people seem to be subscribing to.  I plan on doing my damndest to teach them right from wrong, impossing boundaries, and you best believe when I think they violate it I will be dealing with the situation.  Grow up adults.  If your kid is being an asshole, handle the situation and make it crystal clear that it is unacceptable.  The only shame here is that when one adult refuses to parent the community can't step in and repremand for them.

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