Monday, September 10, 2012

Friday night I caught up with a few ppl for a bite to eat (just a little bite for me as I had some leftovers to attack prior).  As we sat on the deck and had a spider incident the note that you are always within 5 feet of a spider was made.  *shiver*  Needless to say, do you know how many freaking spiders I saw this weekend?  There was one in the bag of clothes I had packed up last year after loosing weight and countless others as I was pulling the nasturtiums and cutting things back out front to prepare for the fall.
No, I wasn't digging through the bag of fatter clothes because I gained weight back.  I haven't, it's been a year, and with much trepidation I am planning to haul them to Goodwill.  That means I needed a count of what was in the bag for tax purposes.  I also bagged up quite a few sweaters, leaving myself with very few, but they were all ones that were a little too snug or too worn or no longer in favor.  I should probably go through my drawers and closet too and get another bag together before dropping off.
Thanks to the work out front I have a BIG pile of russian sage blossoms and nasturtium seeds laying out to dry and the house smells quite pleasant.  I was a bit busy with all of that this weekend to the point that I didn't even get the vacuum run, shame on me.  The to do list seems painfully long and keeps leaving me finally settling in to try and run searches etc at 10pm or so, not very feasible or productive at that point.  Ok, I did take a nap on Saturday night, forgive me, but I was wiped.

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