Sunday, August 12, 2012

It's so good to already have my walk in for the day.  Saffy and I headed to UPJ to wander around and take some photos - you know, before everyone gets back and makes me sad.  There were a few ppl (prb RAs) moving in already.  Lots of construction on campus with blocked paths etc.  Oddly they've put in railings along some of the walkways up near Biddle.  What's the point?  So you have something nice and solid to slam your head into when you slip on the ice in the winter?  They also put parking meters in along the road that heads past the dorms to the STU and Library.  Sup w/ that?!  It makes me a bit weepy every time I head there, I miss it so much and want to return in the fall with them every single year.

My niece just headed off last weekend for her Freshman year at Texas Tech.  Just think, she was born the second half of my freshman year at UPJ!  All I can tell her is how much I hope she enjoys every moment there, that she does things without fear, has fun, works hard, and makes the most of this time.  If she's lucky, she'll miss the place in *grumble grumble* years too.

After an hour on campus Saf and I walked a wee bit more back here to get enough time in.  I've got to say this... if on more than one occasion, dear (extended) neighbor, your dog runs out of your yard straight at my dog and me that's prb a sign you need to buy what is called a LEASH.  When your dog gets hit by a car, I suspect you won't be as heartbroken as I would to have witnessed the result of your negligence.

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