Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I feel like it's been an eternity since I last posted... but here it is only Tuesday.  Saturday I caught up with Beff and Slips (finally) for us to celebrate our birthdays and I got to play w/ the no longer super wee little Puddy-puddy.  Sunday was then Doug and Gail's wedding!  I have to admit, this was probably the most fun I've had at a wedding in a long time.  They mostly end up just being a bit somber and depressing for me, but the Schmou-4 kept me moving and I've even got sore pecks from swinging kiddos around!

Tonight was a quick turn around and back out the door to spend some time with Mithy and Miss Addie and some incredibly yummy Applebees.  I feel like I've been quite the busy gal with little time left in the evenings.

Been faithfully walking, still not seeing any weight dropping, go figure.  Just started up another exercise tracking thing at work on Monday, so I am encouraged to go a little further/longer each night, hopefully it will help.  Other than that there is just work work work... been waking up a bit before the alarm and thus in a little early (today thanks to Saf yacking first thing) and working through lunch (yesterday snagging chinese - yum) to try and get further for my upcoming deadline/cut.  Noting both the Applebees and chinese comments kind of screams why I am not dropping weight, right?

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