Thursday, May 03, 2012

Ah pharmacology - three cheers!  After the vet trip last week the doctor called today with Vixen's blood test results.  She has been on thyroid meds for a while now, partially because her levels were a bit low (and she's always been a bit heavy) but mostly because that could have been a factor in her moods.  There are two levels they re-check (yes, I know there are 6-panel test, but ours is 2).  For the one she has always been within range, even on the lower end, enough so that he would have upped her meds before, but in the second she was right at the top number threshold for where we wanted to be.  This time she came up lower.  Perhaps because she's gained weight or something else changed, but we'll be upping those meds.  I am hoping to see an even more distinct improvement in her moods.
To revamp for those not in the know, Vixen probably got told "knock it off" or "seriously, shut up" 20 times a day as she was always growling at her sisters and even stirring up fights that she ended up losing more often than not.  Since the meds we're down to like 5 times a day on those comments, so significant improvement.  Also, while I hate to say it out loud as it usually means a fight is in the imminent future, she's not stirring things up and even able to walk up to a person who they are competiting for attention from without raising my nerves that something could escalate quickly.  Thus, I am really hopeful things will become even better at our house.

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