Thursday, January 19, 2012

It's been a really long week.  I traveled for work yesterday and ended up slating 14ish hours ... for a 2.5 hour meeting.  The information was somewhat worth it... and other shifts as a result of the meeting just overwhelming and frustrating.  I really really need to find a way to resolve my station in life.  I am a document jockey, it's never-ending, and rather unfulfilling.

The other side-result of such a long day was a bit of crazy in the dogs last night.  They did still sleep well, thank goodness, as I was whooped when I got home at 10:30.  I even curled back up for an extra hour this morning after showering.  I've got lots of time in for the week, but as a result of the meetings, still plenty to try and wrap my mind around and do in order to prepare for future long days (i.e. meetings).  I should just be grateful to have a charge number, right?  I'm too young to be this tired of the rat race.

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